Digital Art & Animation Studio
Ages 11-15
Digital Art & Animation explores different techniques and tools available in drawing and animation Apps taught by skilled animator and illustrator Keville Bowen.
Topics include:
Sketching and Inking: Character design on multiple layers
Coloring with Flats: Learn tools like lasso, flatting and hues
Landscapes with Shapes: A Stylized approach to painting environments
Fun with Brushes: Exploring digital painting with various brush
Stop Motion & Digital Animation: Explore cinematic techniques with the familiar Stop Motion Studio app.
Groups will construct a short film by storyboarding, designing and building Lego movie sets. And make the movie come to life by studying advanced action and composition. Incorporate sound and visual affects too!
This camp is held at the PAC Center
129 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081
Jan 7 - Apr 8
6:00 - 7:15 pm
14 classes - $280