YOGAMI ~ Kids & Family Yoga
Come PLAY at ‘YogAmi’, a creative kid and family friendly yoga class. Children and caregivers learn poses and exercises for the body, and explore simple breathing and meditation for calming mind and heart. Interactive songs, movement, stories, partner and group games fill out our fun. While engaging with nature, our senses and imaginations we'll be releasing energy, improving flexibility and promoting healthy habits and friendship within our community. Wear comfortable stretchy clothes. Bring yoga mats or towels. Limited mats to borrow available.
Kids ages 2 – 7 years (children under 4 attended by an adult)
Classes meet outdoors on the Front Lawn of the PAC Center in warm weather late spring, summer and early fall. Class will move indoors in colder weather, when raining or conditions require it.
This event is held once a month on 3rd Saturdays unless otherwise noted. Please note specific dates offered each season.
Pre-registration Requested: Child & Adult $10