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Senior Citizens Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association Senior Citizens Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association

Lunch & Learns: Annual Meeting

March 26

12:00 - 2:00 p.m.

One of the things we get to do each spring is to report and reflect on our activities of the previous year and prepare an Annual Report to our membership. It's that time!

We'll provide lunch and delicious desserts by Cindi! There will also be live music by our friend, Marv Gelb!

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Senior Citizens Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association Senior Citizens Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association

Web Wanderings: Birds!

March 31
12:30-2:00 p.m

We’ll watch the Nova episode on Bird Brains. Birds turn out to have advanced problem-solving skills that we usually assume are unique to humans. Watch NOVA put feathered Einsteins through their paces and reveal skills that even very young children have a hard time mastering.

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