Being with Baby - Music and Massage
Ages 4-12 Months with Caregivers
Babies up to 12 months with a parent/caregiver enjoy singing songs, lullabies and fingerplays using musical instruments, learning gentle movement exercises, playing with balls, dancing and discussion in a soothing atmosphere of music and color.
A simple infant massage technique is taught that nurtures bonding, and builds immune function and sensory awareness that research reveals stimulates the brain and body connection creating pathways for healthy growth in every way. All activities are geared toward the developmental needs of your baby enhancing playtime at home while making new friends.
Dress yourself and babies in flexible clothing for movement, and so their limbs are accessible. Bring a small blanket.
Learn more about Allison at
Sessions are held at the PAC Center
129 Park Avenue in Swarthmore
April 23 , May 7, May 21, June 4
10:45 - 11:30am
4 Classes - $60
Drop in $18