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Health & Wellness Julie McHugh Health & Wellness Julie McHugh

Arms, Legs & Core (ALC), Fall I

7 Wednesdays
Sept 11 - Oct 23
6:30am - 7:15am
7 Classes - $105

A full body class using multiple types of bands to add tension and resistance to movements to fully engage more muscles for stability and strength. Movements are easily modifiable so class moves quickly and efficiently. All fitness levels welcome!

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Health & Wellness Julie McHugh Health & Wellness Julie McHugh

Women and Weights, Fall I

7 Fridays
Sept 13 - Oct 25
6:30am - 7:15am
7 Classes - $105

Women and Weights is a comprehensive full-body weight lifting class to add strength and stability to your workout routines. We will use classic weight lifting techniques with dumbbells to build lean muscle mass to create more durable bodies as we age. All fitness levels welcome!

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